Personal certificate installation for MacOS.

Certificate installation in MacOS for enter on CTS, without entering the password.

For maintenance safety and complications of breaking of the password, it decided to pass to certification system.
1. Download your personal certificate using the one-time link that was sent to your email address. And save the password in a text document.
In orde to install the certificate, you need to run the Keychain Access program
2. Open Utilites.
3. Select ​Keychain Access.
4. While on the login tab​, select File -> Import Items...
5. Select your personal certificate and click​ Open.
6. Enter the password for your personal certificate that we saved earlier.​
7. Double-click the personal certificate.​
8. Set the trust level for the personal certificate : Always Trust
9. After closing the window, a window will appear asking for a password from your Mac OS account. After entering the password and clicking Update settings, the certificate installation is complete.​