Certificate installation in Micosoft Edge for enter on CTS (https://helpdesk.compassluxe.com ), without entering the password.

For maintenance safety and complications of breaking of the password, it decided to pass to certification system.
1. Run Micosoft Edge:
2. Next "Setting" \->:
3. Choose "Privacy, search, and services" \-> "Manage certificates":
4. Press the button "Import...":
5. "Next >":
6. Press the button "Browse..." for choose sertificate:
  1. Choose extensions for the certificate \*.pfx, \*.p12;
  2. Find the folder where the certificate has been kept;
  3. Open the certificate double click left button on the mouse.

"Next >":

8. Press "Next":
9. 9.In field "Password" enter the first password for the private key(stands out employees of IT service), click switch on "Enable strong private key protection", press "Next >":
10. Switch on "Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate":
11. Press "Finish":
12. Press the button "Set Security Level..."
13. Switch on "High", "Next >":

14. In field "Password" enter new password for private key protection, in field "Confirm" confirm the password, click "Finish".

For Master Password creation it is necessary to observe the following instruction:
  • To use not less than 7 signs with usage of digits and characters in various registers;
  • Not to link the password to social and objective identifiers (names of relatives, nicknames and breed of pets, a car brand, the address, a city) which can be compared with the user.

15. Press "OK":
16. If installation was right, you will see:
17. Correctly established certificate will appear in the general list of sertificate, press "Close" for close the list: